You can tell that my looking at how often I am updating! We’re all busy, so I know you understand:) I’ll try to catch you up, maybe it would be best to do it in bullet form.
- •Moose started swim lessons this past week. He was not pleased. I think it may have had a bit to do with the fact that Mimi took him and not me. I would have tossed him in with the teacher and gone to sit in a deck chair, she sat with him on the edge for the first couple classes. He has one more week to go and is mostly happy that Mimi buys him a candy bar out of the machines (Skeetles or Sneeekers) and could care less about swimming. We have have to take this level again. Which would make me feel bad if one of the other mothers hadn’t said her youngest had to take this level four times.
- •Most of you know I am loving writing for Examiner. I have been doing so well that I was promoted to a national examiner which means my foodie articles are shown all over the U. S. and not just our town where I started. I have a lot of very cool things planned, one of which is a family and friends segment. Alice’s Mint Brownies were the first, I want to come over to all of your houses and photograph you making your favorite meal. I’ll make sure your hands look sexy, don’t worry. Who’s gonna be next?
- •Cory has started going out with a group of friends so Pint Night at a local pub once a month or so. It falls on a Wednesday so Moose and I have been going to Bounce U that same night and having a blast ourselves. Each beer you buy at Pint Night enables you to bring home a custom glass, so Cory has been hard at work stocking his soon to be awesome bar downstairs.
- •Speaking of new friends, I started Facebook and Twitter to expand my friend base and create a following for my articles on Examiner. Little did I know I would make a ton of new local friends. SkinniEmmie, Mother Tongue, and Modern Married Momma to name a few. We’ve been having a weekly lunch to gossip and share social media ideas. I have been loving it, and I am using it to work on my painful shyness. I actually drove downtown all by myself and walked to a restaurant to meet all of them for the first time. If you know me, you know this was huge.
- •I also started a Mommy Club with a few moms from daycare. We had come together in our annoyances with problems at daycare and are working and doing what we can to help correct things. We have been meeting every couple weeks for coffee and once we stood outside a coffee shop for 45 minutes after it closed, talking. You know you’ve found some good friends what that happens:)
- •My herb garden is growing great. Cory and Moose’s pumpkins are taking over the patch! We don’t have pumpkins yet but big bright yellow flowers. I really hope we get pumpkins, it would be so fun for the kids at the pumpkin party in October to be able to pick their pumpkins from our backyard.
- •Next weekend is a huge car show out at Keeneland. So Moose and Cory are really excited about it. Hopefully we will meet up with Steve and Stacy. Also I am hoping they have funnel cakes. And gyros. I love fair food.
- •I accidentally put Moose to bed without a pull-up one night, and he was dry the next day. So. Since we don’t use pull-ups at night anymore. Nice. Score for official removal of baby items from grocery bill. Only took 3.5 years. Right about the time we have to start paying for sports teams fees and such. Nice.
- •If you want a more up-to-date status of our lives (and who doesn’t?!) friend me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. With my iPhone I am able to instantly upload quick pictures and status updates, and this has trumped updating my blog lately. I hope you understand, it is just easier right now! Hopefully I will get back into a groove of updating on Sunday afternoons while the baking finishes, Cory is playing downstairs, and the kiddo is down for nap.
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