Cory and I went to AT&T to change our cell plan to include texting, and came away with two iPhones. SO. Basically the norm around here.
Special thanks to Missy who watched Scout and Bastian for us for the Wisconsin weekend. I hope they didn't throw up too much. Or maybe they held it all in till we got home. This week has been a total barf fest.
Another special thanks to my Aunt Carole who is not a real editor but plays one on TV :) by sending me my misuse of words and goof-ups from my articles. (I asked her to!) I would have way too many run on sentences without you—thanks again!
Last Saturday was fun, we met some old racing buddies on the patio at Harry's. Nice and cool. Especially the Pixie Stick Martini. I like martinis, they make me feel delicate and ladylike. Even with my hulk-like arms.
Sunday I attempted a strawberry pie. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Until I cut into it and it was literally strawberry soup. So having another go around with that on this Sunday plus trying a chocolate zucchini bread. Lots of goodies to share. I am really enjoying writing recipes for Examiner.
I am pleased to let you know that the RSS Feed and the email sign up features on Examiner are now working. So feel free to subscribe to me to your hearts content. Remember I get paid by the page view so baby click it up! And send it to your friends to they can click it up too! I also love comments, so feel free to leave me any advice or observations you would like. And it is super easy to comment-just takes your name and that is it! Plus I want your recipes! Send me your favorites so I can try them.
Most of you know Cory sold his truck, then, less than six days later, bought a new one. There can never be an empty space at our house you know. I have a theory that he feels empty if he only owns four vehicles. That fifth vehicle makes him whole. Of course those five vehicles do not include the motorcycle and BMW that are in the garage in a million pieces. Those are just extra shimmery fluff. Oh wait. NO THEY AREN'T.
I was talking with the lady who owns the cleaning service that does my office. She lives in my neighborhood and we were discussing where we lived.
Nice Cleaning Lady: Which house did you say you lived in on your court?
Me: The one next to the corner, I have a silver Mustang.
NCL: Oh! The Mustang House? I know right where that is.
Me: Crap, really? (cause I am all elegance and grace)
So yeah. The norm.
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