And isn't this silly? But the only thing I can think of is how I'm not getting the Food Processor from Cuisinart that I have wanted for so long. I did just splurge on my KitchenAid Mixer when I started professionally food writing. And I have no clue how I did without it now that I have it. I have a feeling the food processor will be the same when I do finally get it. Eventually I will get it, no biggie, I've done without, up until now!
Okay, let's not dwell... moving on. Things I am thankful for:
1. Family-I could cheat and list Moose, Cory and my family all separately, but I think this is better! I may regret this later in the list LOL.
2. Friends-I have several awesome friend groups, my cousin-friend-group that I have been friends with since birth, my new mommy-club-friend group where we share boys the same age, my old-friends-now-new-friends from high school via Facebook of course, plus my old co-worker-friend-group whom I am used to seeing every day.
3. Scout and Bastian-let's be honest, the house would be pretty quiet without my animals to keep me company while I am stuck at home.
4. My Easy Meals & Food Science columns-the best thing to happen to me lately was realizing people out in the world might actually care about my recipe writing. It is a earth-shattering thing.
5. Product Reviews-not only do these drive more readers to my columns, they are super fun for me, feeding my need for new stuff, and helping me crank out new favorite recipes. Good for everyone! Plus the giveaways rock-am I right?
6. My Mac-thank goodness I purchased this when I did or I would be typing this out an a super-crappy PC in the basement right now. *shudder*
7. The Internet-not only is this a lifeline to real, live people during the day, but this is where I get a lot of fun ideas for new recipes.
8. Email-I love, love when people email me cooking questions. Not only is it fun to answer, it is double-fun if I have to research.
9. Twitter-I love the local connection I get with Twitter, so many fun local people, and everyone is so nice and supportive!
10. Facebook-I resisted FB for a long time while Cory enjoyed it. Not only is it a great way to get word out about my columns, but it is a great easy way to connect with old friends and family.
11. The Lexus-another thing I resisted was a 4-door car, but I must say this one is awesome. It keeps up with me, and can fit all my crap. Gotta luv that. I do miss my Mustang tho...
12. My Stand Mixer-can any product give was much joy as this? I just don't think so.
13. Coffee-truly to thank Sarah who gave me this love when we lived together. Without which I may crawl back into bed when I wave off my boys in the morning.
14. Yeast-can anything be more delicious than yeast bread? I think not.
15. Exercise-one thing I do have is time on my hands and I absolutely love being able to work out now that I have time. Scout loves it too because I take her when I run. I am new to this, and learning as I go.
16. My new kitchen-so glad I did all the painting and fixing to my kitchen last year. What? You haven't seen it yet? Technically it is not done, but I should probably go ahead and share the pics. The tile is not high on the priority list at the moment.
17. My little camera-this little trooper is 5 years old now, I've replaced the rechargeable batteries several times now and it still does that job.
18. Weird weather-I am all against global warming and such, but the unseasonalbly warm weather recently has just been lovely.
19. favorite mommy forum, this is my fav local spot to talk about mommy stuff.
20. favorite cooking forum, great recipe ideas and an unexpected friend source.
21. Recipe Freelancing-a new unexpected bonus. I am now creating exclusive recipes for websites. Not only is this fun, I don't get paid by page views like my column, I make a set amount. Kind of nice!
22. Velvet Jumpsuits-when I don't have anywhere to go, I will admit to wearing matching jogging suits. I promise I don't wear them anywhere else, but boy are they comfortable.
23. Herb garden-now that Summer is over, I am utilzing my dried and frozen herbs. It is awesome! I can't wait to have an expanded garden next year.
24. My metabolism-you have no idea how many sweets, cakes and brownies I sample.
25. Online shopping-I'm totally kidding, I just threw that out there to make Cory look twice. Do you think he got this far? I wonder.
26. Post-its and Pretty Pens-we were told to take a few office supplies from the old agency so they wouldn't have to pack them. I got out with some cool stuff.
27. Running shoes-I don't technically own these yet. But I have a feeling they are going to be awesome like my mixer.
28. Cookbooks-can anything be as wonderful? Especially the really old ones that cook from scratch or Campbell's soups. Love it.
29. Romance novels-I love these things. I can retreat into a lovely romance while Cory is beside me blowing things up. Hey, I have to get my story book romance from somewhere-Cory gave me jumper cables for my birthday a few years ago.
30. Cory-okay he should have his own number, don't you think? Good thing he is supporting me in my old age or I'm not sure what I would be doing. Maybe I would get a job as a greeter at Wal-Mart.
And that is all thirty. I am feeling better I think. Lots to be happy about and thankful for! And let's all cross our fingers that my food writing takes off like a jet plane, or I discover a perfect advertising job where I feel fulfilled and appreciated.

So happy I got to share the love of coffee with you my dear!
The cuisinart will give you total joy. I only have a mini, but I still adore it!!
Don't fret over 30. I feel exactly the same as I did on October 25 :)
Great post! You do have lots of things to be thankful for - congrats on all your new adventures!
Love the velvet jumpsuits myself - and 30? It's a breeze. Kris
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