Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ladies man

So I’ve not been shy about sharing our discipline problems. They have not gotten tons better let me tell you.
I picked up Moose from preschool today, and visited with the teacher a minute to sign him out, and find out the details of his day. Because it was warm(er) and pretty today, they were out on the playground. So Ms. K and all the other teachers were sitting together in the shade watching the kids.
Ms. K: I need to talk to you about the third ticket Moose had to pull today...
Me: Oh really? Goodness what has he done now?...
Ms. K: Well I was in the middle of reading Green Eggs and Ham to the class and I glanced up towards the end...
Me: Yes...
Ms. K: ... and Moose was kissing one of the girls. They were kissing, and touching their tongues to each other. He must of seen it somewhere, you know around the house, on TV or something, I don’t know... *trails off in embarrassment*
Oh the heat that flooded my face, y’all I can’t even describe it. My stomach flipped and I felt like I was on fire I was so embarrassed. The surrounding teachers all had their faces in their hands, hiding their laughter, obviously they had discussed this at length and thought it was hilarious.
I made some sweeping motions with my hands and swore that Cory and I did not kiss like that... in front of him, and then I may have mumbled that I didn’t think he saw it on TV, but I wasn’t sure... and oh god, I don’t think I finished up strong.
Ms. K assured me she talked to him, and the girl, and told them ‘we don’t do that here’ and I agreed, ‘of course’ and then I tucked Moose under my arm and may have mumbled something like, ‘good talk’ and gotten the Hell outta there.
So I’m not entirely sure how I am going to face everyone at daycare tomorrow, considering they think Cory and I sit around and do ‘porn-o tongue’ all day. In front of our child.


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Be... erm, nice. My fragile ego can't take too much honesty. Seriously though, I do love comments. Please tell me what you think!