Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly

My driving lessons continued this weekend. I drove us to the grocery store on Friday night.
To the person who missed the light because of me:
I’m so sorry man, I didn’t realize I had the car in third instead of first. But that is totally why it wouldn’t go! Who would have thunk it?! You were so nice not to honk, however I am sure I was quite amusing since I killed the car approximately 2.3 million times therefore missing the light. And causing you to miss it also.
My bad.
Then Cory and I took Moose to M&Ds so I could drive around the neighborhood and train a bit more before we met friends for dinner.
To the kid who was playing basketball in the street:
I’m so sorry you had to move out of the way 45 times because Cory and I made the loop so many times. I’m sure you understand I was learning to drive a stick. Especially since you were right by that stop sign and got to watch me squeal the tires several times unintentionally, and also kill it several more times.
My bad.
According to Cory I am the complete opposite of everyone he has ever taught. He said I had the instincts of a race car driver!
Ok, he didn’t totally say that, he may have said something about me punching the pedals like a ninja, and I may have said, “you mean like a race car driver?” And he may have rolled his eyes. I was driving so I’m not sure.


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Be... erm, nice. My fragile ego can't take too much honesty. Seriously though, I do love comments. Please tell me what you think!