Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's about time, but not really

You would not believe how hard it was to take the above picture. Seriously, I am ridiculous sometimes.
First topic. I dropped my car off at the dealership for it to be dipped into some sort of protective coating. More likely they paint it on in some way, but I can’t help but picture Achilles being dipped into the River Styx. Make sure you cover it throughly! I wouldn’t want my back body panel to be my weak spot.
I was driving the rental car home, which is a perfectly lovely Mercury Milan and I could NOT find the clock. I was in the middle of driving so I was just quickly glancing around. And. Nothing.
Finally I pulled up to a stoplight and really looked. And. Duh. There is clearly a clock on the dash. But look. It is an analog clock! With NO NUMBERS! That is the oddest thing to me.
I quickly thought, Good Lord I would never have a clock that had no numbers... Then I glanced down at my watch. OH. Fail*. Clearly my watch is analog, and has no numbers. Technically. But it does have the main ones, so there.
And speaking of Achilles, I had my five year anniversary at work today. Actually I think it is next week, but my PRESENT arrived today. It is the pearl ring on my finger in the picture. Doesn’t it remind of the ring in Clash of the Titans? After five minutes of googling, I can’t find a picture so you will have to take my word for it!
*Jeana I will forever think of you when I use the word fail now. Thanks man.


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Be... erm, nice. My fragile ego can't take too much honesty. Seriously though, I do love comments. Please tell me what you think!