Thursday, October 5, 2006

Quick Doc Update

Well my appointment with my surgeon was today before lunch. I must say I really like him. He had an Arabian-sounding name so I was very concerned about understanding him before I went in. (I have serious issues with understanding people with accents, any accents at all) But he spoke perfect English and was very informative.
He had the results of my recent HIDA scan with him. Apparently my gall bladder is only 16% working. He said normally the cut off for removing the gall bladder is at 35%. So as always, my gall bladder overachieved by cutting that in half! (I am super-tired of my body overachieving at stuff, can’t it be NORMAL?)
My diet will be fat-free for about one week, then I can go back to eating normally. I am having surgery on next Monday morning, the 9th. Love Mondays.
I’ll be off work for about two weeks, as opposed to the one week I had previously thought it would be. So I am busy handing off projects, and finishing things up so I can be off for a while with no hassles waiting for me. I may be able to work a little from home during the second week, we’ll see how I feel.
I am so happy it is scheduled so soon, can’t wait to be gall bladder free. And hopefully, crippling pain free, and nausea free. I’ll update you as soon as possible!


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Be... erm, nice. My fragile ego can't take too much honesty. Seriously though, I do love comments. Please tell me what you think!