Sunday, October 8, 2006

Professional Pictures Are In!

This post is for Alice, so she can see the proofs that she wants to order. They turned out great! Ignore the shiny spots, I forgot to scan them on the scanner at my Dad's, so I just took pictures of the proofs on my coffee table.
I am ordering some wallets of pose 12.

And I really like this pose 10, so I am getting some big ones of it.
These are the pictures that daycare takes for us. We just brought and outfit in on a hanger, and they dressed him up and took the pictures! Very handy.
His Christmas picture is scheduled for Monday, and my fab friend Charing let Wesley borrow a really cute Christmas sweater for the picture. It should be pretty cute.


Anonymous said...

Such a little man already! Just have to love each of the photos! Love, G'ma B

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