Friday, December 11, 2009

Off and running

I started running by accident. I decided to fill my time during the morning I would take Scout for a walk. It was good for her, and me, and why not? I never had time before, and she got a lot of exercise running around in the backyard (at least that is what I told myself).

So we started walking in the morning. We had a nice little route we took, and she enjoyed it. Then, all of a sudden I thought, "I bet we could run a bit too. Just a bit, not too much or anything." So we did. We walk a block, then run one, walk one, then run the last stretch home.

Well. We liked it. A lot. Both of us really. I've never been a sporty or athletic at all. So this was kind of surprising. All of a sudden we were running the whole block. And I was fairly certain my shoes were hurting my feet. I talked to Cory about it a bit, and Facebook friends directed me to John's Run Walk Shop downtown. They were wonderful and fit me for the perfect shoe. My Mom bought them for me for my birthday, as well as some warm pants. And we were off.

I did some research and found you were supposed to stretch before you run. So we worked that in to our routine. And now I am following a program on entitled "3 Weeks to a 30 Minute Running Habit". And it is kicking my butt. I am half-way through the program and we cover 2.5 miles now. Which is pretty astounding.

It all started simply. We ran one minute, then walked one minute; repeat on infinity. Or at least it felt that way. Starting like that was pretty easy. I'm not going to paint it in rosy colors; when my iPhone stop watch goes off it is the sweetest sound I've ever heard.

Not only is this good for us, we both really enjoy it. The last set is easy, the runner's high sets in and I feel like I could run forever. Um, but I don't.

There is a 5K in Lexington in the Spring, and... I'm thinking about it. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I think it's extremely cool and I envy you. My knees won't let me be a runner, but I'd like to. I love sports and exercise in my mind, my body just has a tough time keeping up. I'm so glad you've discovered your love of running. It will help your health and fitness for the rest of your life. Go for it with the 5K in the Spring and plan for a marathon in a year or two. I KNOW you can do it. I know about the water issue with Scout, but runners MUST stay hydrated. Both of you drink plenty of water. Hold that thought. Love you. AC

WI Emily said...

Go for it Liz!!! I'm familiar with the runner's high. It's a great feeling! Scout loves you more for this too and it's nice to have a companion to keep you going. Enjoy!

Lizzybee said...

Thanks guys! Both Scout and I are drinking more water. And yes she does love me best right now LOL much to Cory's annoyance! I am seriously thinking about the 5K...

Jan Ross said...

So glad you discovered a sport you enjoy while you are young. (Uh. Yeah. 30 IS young!)I have just now discovered some things I enjoy, like Yoga. I would be in much better shape if I had started when I was your age.

Anonymous said...

I think it's fantastic - keep it up. Can't wait to hear about your first 5K (which is only 3.3 miles or something like that). Kris

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Be... erm, nice. My fragile ego can't take too much honesty. Seriously though, I do love comments. Please tell me what you think!