Saturday, November 28, 2009

O' Christmas Tree

The Bee Family has officially started the Christmas season! The day after Thanksgiving, I typically spend putting out the decorations. I actually have two trees. A normal fluffy tree that I inherited from my Grandma, and a skinny tree I purchased for our old townhouse. I have aspirations to eventually have the skinny tree be upstairs and have all the matching ornaments and cool theme that matches everything like out of Better Homes and Gardens or something; then also having my other tree downstairs with all the family ornaments and colored lights on it. This won't be the year when that happens however due to my main job loss.

I also have a small mini tree that Cory and I had in our first apartment when we were first together. I let Moose put it in his room, which was absolutely thrilling for him as I'm sure you can imagine. He took several of the fun toy ornaments and put them on his tree.

He helped me put up the rest of the decorations and we had a blast!



Alice B. said...

Wish I was there to share in the festivities! I'm sure that it is so much fun to have Wes help decorate. If he'd come help me, maybe I'd feel like putting my tree up:)
Love from Grandma B.

Jan Ross said...

Oh, I need to do this today too. I'm having a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit, it's so warm!!

llllll said...

We finished decorating our tree last night. Oh except for the tree skirt that I still need to buy and I'd love to have done garland. Maybe I still will. km

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