Sunday, December 10, 2006

Packin' It Up

We spent most of the day Sunday packing up our house. John and Cici moved out officially on Saturday, and ceremoniously gave Cory the key that afternoon. Moose and I finished up our Christmas shopping for the family. We are DONE.
But not quite wrapped yet.
The to-be owners of our townhouse had it inspected this week, and appraised. It took them a week to get back to our Realtors. Which was a bit odd. But I believe we've already established that they aren't the brightest crayons in the box. Sooo, they had a few small problems that we fixed in no time flat. One of their complaints was that the air conditioner was not level.
Uh, what?
My air conditioner is totally functional, there is no way that it is, in any way, unlevel.

Oh. Well, okay, we'll fix that right away. So, I guess I don't spend a lot of time looking at our air conditioner, so kill me.

And, now: Moose is totally climbing stairs. On Saturday afternoon he climbed the entire staircase (with Cory watching!)

We are doing much better with eating real food. Thank God for daycare. He is now eating fruits and veggies that come in those little graduates packages, all cut up and ready to feed. I guess if I was on top of things, I could, like cook raw carrots and cut them up myself, but why? I mean, they come that way for a reason, I wouldn't want to put some guy out of business (some guy who probably has kids too) and not buy his stuff! I will be finishing up packing this week, and I doubt I will be able to post. But, I am planning on posting from Wisconsin, so I hope you're looking forward to updates!


Boo said...

Okay, so how weird that they noticed and then cared about the air conditioner?! Whatever! If that's all it took than that's not too bad. I love the pic of Moose in the box and your Pooh slippers! I'm always ready for update! Keep um' coming!! :)

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