Dr. M: So, do you have anyone in your family with a very large head?
(I am so not kidding, he really asked me this.)
Me: What? Uh, um. Yea, my husband's head is pretty big.
Dr. M: You mean like, he has to buy really large hats and things?
Me: (!) Uh, yea, his head is pretty mammoth.
Dr. M: (visually relived) Oh okay, good, there's nothing to worry about, his head is just growing faster than his body.
Dear God.
Here's the official measurements:
Height: 29.5 which is 25-50 percentile
Weight: 20# 15 oz which is 25-50 percentile
Head: oh God 19.25 which is THE NINETY-FIFTH PERCENTILE
Apparently I'm raising a bobble-head. Oh well, he looks normal anyway...
He is so cute when he crawls, and freakin' fast too. Of course the electrical sockets, and DVD player are both SO much more interesting than the hundreds of educational toys that you guys gave him. So he's keeping us on our toes.
We have been trying to convert him to table food, but he doesn't care for the textures, and god forbid he get his hands dirty. He doesn't like to touch anything unless it's cereal or cookies or crackers. So we're working on that by adding larger pieces of food to his baby food. We introduced whole milk, and it went over as well as the juice. He's not crazy about the sippy cup. So we're working on that as well.
One of his ears has a lot of drainage from the tubes (they specifically told me not to stick anything in his ear, and it's killing me) so we're wiping the outside of it often. The other ear is totally fine. We are on some new drops to guarantee the one ear doesn't get infected.
Last year around this time, we were doing Kangaroo Kare, which is where you hold the preemie baby on your bare chest, so that your body keeps the baby warm. It was one of the first times we got to hold him after he was born.
Everyone's head looks pretty normal to me! Hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving -- sorry I missed you at work today.
He has a beautiful head. It's perfect in every way. HE is perfect in every way. THE most fabulous baby in the world. Not that I am prejudiced or anything. I love your writing though. And Dad and rolled on the floor about the bobble-head comment.
FYI - your side of the family all have BIG heads, extra large hats, etc. etc. So since Cory's family also has big heads, no wonder the poor kid is a "bobble head". He's got the big head genes coming and going. However, as you say, he looks perfectly normal and very cute. Not to worry. Big heads are a sign of lots of brains inside!!
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