Sunday, September 24, 2006

House For Sale!

Our townhouse went up for sale officially this week. And our first open house was Sunday 2:30 to 4:30. My good friend Charing dutifully traded with another realtor so she could personally direct the mob of homebuyers that were scheduled to swarm our townhome. Cory and I packed up Wes and Scout and went to our new house for a few hours to wait out the open house, and pretend like the new house was ours already. Scout made herself right at home by immediately pooping on the front step.
I half-expected people to be falling over themselves to walk through our spacious home, that the offers to buy it would be in a neat little pile on the table when we walked in. Unfortunately, NOT. ONE. PERSON. CAME.
My poor friend Charing sat all by herself with my cats for two boring hours. She insists that we should not be discouraged. It is our first open house, and the house has only been for sale for a week. Well true. But the townhouse is so fabulous, we wouldn't have bought it otherwise! Don't those people know that?! So hopefully they'll be beating down the door this week, because we're all over the internet, and I think they are listing it in the paper. So I will keep you posted... We carefully replaced my dead flowers with fabulous new ones that I will probably kill too.
Aaaaannnnd, some good news on the Wes development Front: He's holding his bottle! We only have to help him at the end, so he can finish it off! He's even figured out how to bleed off the air! Brilliant child. So this definitely means I should pay daycare less, don't you think?
Sitting up unassisted too! Though he still topples over, so we have to be ready!
And, we are CRAWLING BACKWARDS. That's right, our child is so talented he didn't mess with learning to crawl forwards, he skipped right to backwards. This is so great because we put a fab toy in front of him, he gets really excited, and quickly crawls away from it! He gets furious! It's great! For everyone! We're so excited!
Note: One of Cory's friends insists that his child did the same thing, and the crawling forward is right around the corner!
I also peaked into the toddler room, since Wes is supposedly moving next month over there. And they are ALL crawling. And walking. That's right. So I talked a little to the teacher and she was shocked Wes was moving to her already (she knew about his prematurity). So I went and talked to the director, I told her about him being two and half months early, and even though he looks just like babies his age, his actual adjusted age is only 7.5-8 months old. Therefore, he wasn't developmentally in the same place as other 10 month olds...yaddi yaddah. So apparently she had just seen his age on paper, and assumed he was crawling around. So she left it up to me, and I chose to leave him behind a few more weeks until he is crawling. I really thinks it's best, I don't want him to always be behind, our doctor has told me in the past that by kindergarten he should be totally caught up with other kids his age developmentally. I'll never forgive myself for having him so early, I really hope it never hinders him.


charing said...

I can't wait to see the blog titled "SOLD". Wes is perfect don't worry just be happy he will do everything in time(his own time). Keep him a baby as long as possible!!!!Don't rush it because before you know it his baby days will all be a blur

Lisa said...

Hmm, as I remember it, you didn't have too terribly much to do with when Wes arrived. He was anxious to get on with things and he got here a little early but he got right down to being a bright and deliriously happy little guy. He'll be running before you know it and you'll look back and wonder why you ever worried!

carebear79 said...

Just got back from the doctor. Wes has another double ear infection! Yuck! So we're home for the day...doing some improvements on the site!

kahlan said...

HEY! I really like the new look on your site. Good luck with the house selling and don't worry Wes is fine...I am constantly shocked at how close with kids his age he seems,,,If he crawla a little slower so what...Charing is right he will be grown up before you know it:-)

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