Wednesday, August 16, 2006

9 Months Old!

Well our little baby boy turned nine months old yesterday. Someone I met for lunch the other day asked how old Wes was now, and said, "...isn't he about a year?" I was like, oh no, not close to a year old! Uh, wait a minute. That's only three months away! Holy crap time has flown by. We had Wes's nine month wellness visit at the Doctor today. I have never felt prouder of Cory and I as parents. The doctor said that Wes had totally exceeded his expectations. He said Wes was doing amazingly well. Considering how premature he was, I am extremely proud to report that Wes has totally caught up with a term baby as far as size goes.
Holy. Crap.
That's right, here's the stats:
Height: 27 7/8 which is the 25-50 percentile
Weight: 19# 13 oz. which is 25-50 percentile
Head: 18 3/8 which is 75-90 percentile
He's. A. Moose.
So much so, that he's outgrown his clothing. Again. I know that's supposed to happen, but for some reason I expected it to come at conveinent times. For instance, at the beginning of a season, not at the end, so that perhaps summer clothes were actually available in his size, and not totally picked over with nothing available. Luckily I was able to find a few things on the clearance racks. Even the consignment stores have switched over to fall/winter things. Um, it's like 80 degrees out there, as much as I love the cute long sleeved tops and cords, it's a little too warm for that stuff. Duh. As far as new stuff that he's doing? Not too much. He's learned to turn over and then back over, I guess that's new. He could do it before, but it took a lot of effort, now it's easier and he knows what he's doing, it's not a total surprise to him when he flips. He did really attempt to go after Scout yesterday. So I think he'll be crawling pretty soon, maybe a few weeks? I'll keep you internet people updated. I know you're waiting with bated breath.


charing said...

Amazing!!!glad to hear he is doing so well and growing so big. He has already passed Carter in size.

carebear79 said...

Wow really? That's funny.

kahlan said...

He's so cute...I can't wait to see him (or you) again!

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