Sunday, June 25, 2006

Just Hangin' Out

Not a bunch going on this weekend. I did some shopping with Cory for Wes this morning. We went to the movies last night. We went to the grocery on Friday night. Here is Wes chewing on Newton here. Not a lot of crying with the teething, but absolutely everything goes right into his mouth to be chewed on. Newton has chewable hands and feet, so he is the favorite toy right now.
Every night after we feed Wes, and then ourselves, we play with Wes on the quilt and try to get him to crawl and roll over. He can do tummy to back pretty easily both ways. We're working on back to tummy, he's almost there. Not sure how much he weighs right now, but my arms are definitely bulking up!
He loves him new jumper. Here's a new video of him playing in it. Click HERE.
We're excited about the Fourth. We got a new little outfit for it. Plus Kohls was having a huge sale, so we got a bunch of new clothes.
In three weeks we can try juice in a sippy cup. So we're pretty excited about that! I decided we would have his 1st birthday party on November 11th, so if you want to pencil it in, go for it.
I should have some good pics from the Fourth next weekend.
Have a good week!


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